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Resources: DDE PPTN Recertification Deadline, Prior Authorization Utilization and Kentucky CMI Map

Posted by Admin Posted on Sept 21 2023

Upcoming Deadline: Annual DDE PPTN Recertifcation

Annual DDE PPTN Recertification Deadline: September 30th

A total of 1,920 DDE/PPTN users did not complete the annual recertification process by August 31st. To ensure DDE/PPTN access is not terminated for these users, CGS is extending the deadline to September 30, 2023. If you still haven't recertified, please complete and submit the Annual DDE PPTN Recertification form today!

After September 30th, CGS must terminate your access. Once terminated, you must submit the J15 DDE PPTN Application/Reactivation form to regain access, and the normal 20 business days for processing applies.


Upcoming Enhanced Prior Authorization/Utilization Management Process

Dear Medicaid Provider,

The Department for Medicaid Services (DMS) is excited to bring the provider community a new platform for requesting and managing prior authorizations for your fee-for-service members. This enhancement is currently slated for early fall and can be accessed by the using the Kentucky Online Gateway (KOG).

In preparation, DMS needs to ensure that the correct provider staff are identified as the Organization Administrator (Org Admin) for the new provider portal where prior authorizations for fee-for-service members will be requested and managed. You have been identified as a current Organization Administrator for a Kentucky Medicaid Provider and DMS requests that you answer the brief survey below. This will help our technical team get the correct staff set up prior to or at the new platform go-live.

Click here to access the survey.


Kentucky CMI Map

Case Mix measures the acuity level of a facility's resident population. The Medicaid Case Mix adjusts the Direct Service and Non-Personnel Operating components of the Medicaid Rate. Effective with the 7/1/23 rates, every .1 increase in Case Mix results in a $9.73 increase in rural Medicaid rates and a $11.48 increase in urban Medicaid rates.

Click here to view a high quality PDF of the map.


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